Irrigated Wheat Value Chain Development in Senegal

Country: Senegal
Project details
Capacity building
Climate-smart agriculture
Market assessment
Reliable Market
Value chain development

Development of Irrigated Wheat Value Chain, Senegal, 2024-2027


Achmea Foundation


To support the emergence of a Senegalese wheat value chain that improves the incomes of 2,000 smallholder farmers and 15 groups of processors in the Senegal River Valley

What we do

In supporting the emergence of a Senegalese irrigate wheat value chain, EUCORD aims to:

  1. Diversify the farming system by piloting irrigated wheat production during the cold, dry season
  2. Support the establishment of a seed sector
  3. Build the technical capacity of farmers
  4. Facilitate linkages with processors
  5. Promote the consumption of Senegalese wheat as a nutritious food

Expected Outcomes

  1. 2,000 farmers (40% women) increase their incomes by 20%
  2. 1,000 members of processors' groups (95% women) increase their incomes by 10%
  3. Wheat yields reach 3 ton/ha on average