
» Brewing a Better Future in the Democratic Republic of Congo, An Impact Assessment of Heineken’s Local Sourcing Initiative, 2013 

» Evaluation of Schokland and Millennium Agreements (2008-2013), 2014


» The potential for developing a sorghum supply chain for Guinness Cameroon: a rapid assessment, 2008


» Case study: Heineken breweries share company (HBSC), Ethiopia—Local malt barley sourcing through farmer organizations and model farmers, (pp.81-82), 2023

» Differences between model farmers and primary purpose cooperatives in Ethiopian agricultural development: evidence from the CREATE project, 2019 

» Contribution of CREATE to the crowding in of malting companies in Ethiopia’s barley value chain., 2022

Europe/The Netherlands

» Samen actief in ontwikkelingssamenwerking (Together active in development cooperation), 2014

Ghana/Sierra Leone

» West African Sorghum Value Chain Development Project (Ghana and Sierra Leone), Mid-Term Evaluation Report, 2008

» Sorghum Supply Chain Sierra Leone – A sustainable project? 2008

» The local sourcing of sorghum by the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL), 2012 

» Brewing beer in the aftermath of Ebola, an anthropological case study on the development of a sorghum value chain, 2019 


» Étude de marché nationale et des conditions d'acheminement et de transport de la pomme de terre de Guinée, Janvier 2021


» Rice Sector Development In East Africa: A desk study prepared for the Common Fund for Commodities, 2012

» The Value Chain for Sorghum Beer in Kenya, 2014

» Report on the East African Regional Conference on sorghum value chain and end of project Round Table, 2015 

» Sorghum farming expands in Africa, 2013


» Elaboration d’un plan d’action à court et moyen terme pour la promotion de la filière haricot vert en zone Office du Niger, 2005


» Cassava Master Plan - A Strategic Action Plan For The Development Of The Nigerian Cassava Industry, 2006


» Community Revenue Enhancement through Agricultural Technology Extension (CREATE) Rwanda Project, Mid-term Impact Evaluation, 2017 

» Report on Maize Value Chain Round Table, Theme: “Creating the Future of Maize Value Chain in Rwanda: Challenges & Opportunities”, 2019

» Results from Maize On-Farm Demonstrations CREATE/Rwanda 2015-2019, 2019

» Uhira Wunguke (Irrigate to Win) Knowledge Sharing and Project Closure Event Report, 2022

Sub-Saharan Africa 

» Working with Smalholders: A Handbook for Firms Building Sustainable Supply Chains (Third Edition) 

» Strengthening potato value chains, Technical and Policy options for developing countries, 2010