The European Cooperative for Rural Development (EUCORD) is a Brussels-based non-profit organization incorporated under Dutch Cooperative Law since 2003. Benefiting from the agricultural expertise of its senior staff and from its network of partners, EUCORD has built a strong and reliable project implementation capacity. EUCORD currently employs more than 60 full-time staff and has project implementation experience in 15 countries.

Our vision is to nurture more prosperous and entrepreneurial rural communities in developing countries.

Our mission is to increase farmers’ capacity to sustainably grow quality crops matched to the commercial needs of the agribusiness sector and in doing so, increase food security, develop the private sector and improve the livelihoods of rural communities.

To fulfill our vision, EUCORD focuses on supporting farmers increase their yields of staple crops and to develop efficient value chains, while working with the private sector to guarantee a demand for produce and a supply of key inputs.

Our areas of expertise


Roots & tubers
Oil crops
Fruits & vegetables
Tree crops

Climate-smart agriculture

Value chain development
Market assessment
Capacity building
Enterprise development

Access to finance

Institutional partners

EUCORD is a cooperative structure, working with institutional and associate members to bring market-led solutions to the rural poor.

EUCORD’s employees are its institutional members: they have a seat on the supervisory board as well as the member council and have a say in EUCORD’s strategic development.

Associate members are partner non-profit organizations from the countries where we work. They are project implementation partners and participate in project opportunities that EUCORD pursues. In addition, EUCORD is committed to supporting the capacity development of its associate members.