Mobile Learning Platform in Ethiopia

Country: Ethiopia
Project details
Capacity building
Enterprise development
Value chain development

Implementation of a Mobile Learning Platform for Malt Barley Farmers in Ethiopia, 2022 - 2023




IFC / Microsoft Africa


The BOOST project will pilot a new mobile learning platform called Agri ChatBot in partnership with IFC and Microsoft Africa. The platform provides farmers the possibility to access, through their mobile phones, agronomic advisory support and weather information, while generating surveys and offering farmer groups a messaging system. This will contribute towards enhancing malt barley production and productivity due to improved access to inputs and market information as well.

The Agri ChatBot will be complementary to the technical support provided by the BOOST project in the form of training, demonstrations and field days. The activity will focus on 27 woredas in Arsi, West Arsi and Bale zones.

What We Do 

EUCORD will carry out the following activities:

  1. Contract an IT service provider that will test the message delivery system
  2. Provide information to be uploaded into the Agri ChatBot system
  3. Training and awareness creating on the Agri ChatBot platform
  4. Promotion of the Agri ChatBot platform
  5. Elaborate and implement a roll out approach
  6. Reporting on farmers’ use of the Agri ChatBot

By the end of the 12-month period, the Agri ChatBot is expected to be successfully rolled out to an estimated 15,000 farmers.