Mali, Improving Smallholder Farmers’ Incomes and Food Security through Enhancing Productivity and Market Access

Country: Mali
Project details
Access to finance
Capacity building
Enterprise development
Value chain development
Households reached:

Mali: Improving smallholder farmers’ incomes and food security through enhancing productivity and market access, 2018 - 2021


Alliance For Green Revolution (AGRA)


SOPROSA, AMEDD, AMASSA, IER, Local government SAPROSA, AGRIPLUS, Soprosek and, Sodiaf


To increase income, food security and livelihood among smallholder farmers in the Sikasso region of Mali. The project aims to increase the productivity in the Sikasso region by increasing the capacity building of the farmers and training in post-harvest handling.

What we do

EUCORD is part of a consortium that comprises four NGOs, seven seed companies, three financial institutions as well as local governments. The consortium will ensure farmers are provided with quality inputs of improved seed, fertilizer, good agronomic practices training, post-harvest management training and storage facilities. This project will also provide the farmers with reliable and functional markets. The agribusinesses, chiefly agrodealers and aggregators, will be equipped with the right business management services including financial literacy so as to access finance from the financial institutions that have committed to supporting the consortium. EUCORD will be the focal point for all extension activities.


The goal of this 3-year project, which started in June 2018, is to increase income, food security and livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the Sikasso region of Mali. The project covers the seven circles of the Sikasso region.

During the third year of the project the following results were achieved:

  • Established 150 agro-dealers
  • Conducted 611 mother demonstrations
  • Conducted 60,567 baby demonstrations
  • Distributed 5,997 extension materials (flyers, brochures, manuals)
  • Organized 200 farmer-to-farmer exchange visits
  • Produced and broadcast 23 radio & TV programs
  • Participation of 170,770 of farmers and other value chain actors in AGRA supported knowledge sharing events
  • 50 enterprises supported and operating along the focus value chains because of AGRA interventions