Country: Rwanda
Project details
Capacity building
Climate-smart agriculture
Value chain development
Fruits and vegetables
Oil crops

PROFARM: Promoting an integrated farming system around sunflower, maize and vegetables to stimulate resilient agriculture and nutrition security for smallholder farmers in Rwanda, 2023-2027


European Commission


Rural Development Initiative


The overall objective is to ensure sufficient, sustainable food production and economic security in Rwanda by Promoting an integrated farming system around sunflower, maize and vegetables to stimulate resilient agriculture and nutrition security for smallholder farmers in Rwanda.

What we do 

The main target groups are 60 farmers' cooperatives gathering a total of about 12,000 members producing cereals, vegetables and sunflower including 60% women and 20% youth in three districts, Burera and Gicumbi in Northern Province and Rehang in Southern Province.

Specifically, the Action will contribute to improving local production and availability of good quality and affordable food, as well as improved nutrition and will help to increase income by linking farmers to guaranteed markets and improve the livelihoods and nutritional status of local communities.

The 42 months project will be led by EUCORD and in partnership with the Rural Development Initiative (RDI), the local co-applicant. RDI is a civil society organization created in Rwanda in 2012 to serve individuals and families in the poorest communities by creating sustainable income and livelihood opportunities by promoting innovations that create positive changes in communities, in particular for youth and women in rural communities.  


  • The overall objective is to ensure sufficient, sustainable food production and economic security in Rwanda by promoting an integrated farming system around sunflower, maize and vegetables to stimulate resilient agriculture and nutrition security for smallholder farmers in Rwanda.
  • The project officially launched in all three districts (Ruhango in Southern Province, Burera and Gicumbi in Northern Province) in February 2024.
  • 5,963 farmers including 53% women from 29 cooperatives in the project intervention area were trained on sustainable agriculture production under sunflower, maize and vegetable value chains.
  • Establishment of ten sunflower demo plots and two maize demonstration during the 2024 B season (March 2024).