Promote the Use of Legume Supply in Ethiopia (PULSE)

Country: Ethiopia
Project details
Capacity building
Climate-smart agriculture
Value chain development

Promote the Use of Legume Supply in Ethiopia (PULSE), 2021 - 2024


Achmea Foundation


The overall goal of the project is to improve the resilience and livelihoods of the rural population in Ethiopia by developing sustainable, market-oriented pulse value chains.

What we do

The project will implement a range of activities which support the development of different pulse crop value chains, and which close the gap between smallholder producers and buyers. This activity is complementary to EUCORD’s ongoing BOOST project, which aims to enhance the productivity of farmers and the quality of the resulting malt barley.

Crop rotation of barley with pulses improves the sustainability of the farming system as it reduces pest pressure and helps to improve soil fertility. In addition, the proposed project will also select woredas in lowland ecologies to improve the productivity of specific pulse crops adapted to the lowlands.

The project has three specific objectives:

  1. Improved productivity of pulse crops
  2. Improved farmers' access to inputs and finance
  3. Improved farmers' access to guaranteed markets

The primary target group consists of 6,500 smallholder farmers with a specific focus on women and youth groups who can be organized into cooperatives both for seed and output marketing.


  • During the past six months, 47 DAs, agricultural experts, and cooperative leaders were trained on GAP, to step-down training to 577 farmers
  • 37 tons of improved pulse seed was distributed to farmers
  • Farmers were linked to seven buyers, selling 16,625 tons of pulses
  • Preparation has started to implement Most Impactful Practices (MIP) on 500 ha
  • Twelve sites were identified to conduct demonstrations on fertilizer application
  • Preparation is underway to multiply seed on 40 ha in collaboration with two cooperatives