Senegal, Performance of POs in Sine-Saloum for Employment and Economic Emergence (PERSEE)

Country: Senegal
Project details
Access to finance
Capacity building
Market assessment

Performance of Producers Organization in Sine-Saloum for Employment and Economic Emergence (PERSEE), Enabel, 2021-2024


EU, Enabel




To guarantee a regular supply, in sufficient quantity and quality of groundnuts, millet, maize and milk, to agro-industries in the central agropolis.

What we do

The PERSEE project is implemented under the EU program on strengthening the financial, technical, human and social capital of companies in the Sine Saloum region. EUCORD will intervene through two local staff:

  1. A market access specialist who will provide training and coaching to the local operational team in commercial skills and market access for POs, facilitate business relations between POs and agro-industries, establishment of contract farming agreements and sales contracts
  2. A quality-control specialist for the establishment of a quality control system, training of quality control managers, training of PO members on quality standards, etc

Expected Results

  • Build organizational, technical, financial and entrepreneurial capacities of 15 Farmer Organizations (FO) by training 180 of their members
  • Train 135 FO members in quality-control of groundnut, maize, millet and milk
  •  6,750 producers sensitized and trained on quality requirements
  • 10,000 producers trained on good agricultural practices including climate-related information