Technical Assistance in Forestry and Rural Development

Country: Rwanda
Project details
Access to finance
Tree crops

Technical Assistance in Forestry and Rural Development, 2023


World Bank


The International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) aka World Agroforestry


A consultant team composed of staff from ICRAF and EUCORD, will support the World Bank task team in delivering the PROGREEN-financed technical assistance for improving landscape management in the Congo-Nile Ridge region in Rwanda. The overall scope of the consultant assignment will be to improve the World Bank’s knowledge of what is required for its support to improve landscape management in the Congo-Nile Ridge and to enhance local readiness for improved practices. This will include activities in:

  1. Tree improvement including identifying potential improvements in the productivity (i.e., addressing, among others, low stocking of existing forests and poor quality of genetic material) of current privately and publicly owned forests.
  2. Management planning in state-owned forests to map these forests, assess their ecological status and develop a management plan with identification of priority actions.
  3. Development planning in the islands of the Lake Kivu and selected high-priority areas.
  4. Developing stakeholders’ incentives and appropriate financing mechanisms.

What we do

Working as a subcontractor to ICRAF, EUCORD will focus on task 4) Incentive mechanisms and products. Specifically, EUCORD will:

  • Review existing international – particularly African – experience and good practices on incentives, financial tools and instruments for sustainable land management and biodiversity conservation.
  • Support consultations with relevant stakeholders to identify priority interventions for regional development that can be supported by development partners (incl. potential follow-up financing by PROGREEN).
  • Prepare a roadmap for identifying, designing, and evaluating policy and financial instruments for improved landscape management and adoption of nature-based solutions.
  • EUCORD will also provide field staff support to ICRAF to support Task 3) Development planning in high-priority areas.


  • A draft final report was submitted to ICRAF in November 2023
  • The final report will be finalized by July 2024