Ethiopia, Barley Organization of Supply and Training (BOOST)


Barley Organization Of Supply and Training (BOOST), 2023 – 2027 Donor: International Finance Corporation (IFC) Partners: Soufflet Malt Ethiopia HEINEKEN Breweries Ethiopia Agricultural Transformation Agency Oromia Seed Enterprise, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research Micro Finance Institutions Oromia Agriculture Research Institute … Read More

Feed the Future Nigeria Agricultural Extension & Advisory Services


Feed the Future Nigeria Agricultural Extension & Advisory Services, 2020-2025 Partner: Winrock International Goal Build the capacity of private extension service providers to deliver extension and advisory services to value chain stakeholders Strengthen linkages between agricultural research institutions, agro-allied companies, … Read More

Potato Entrepreneurship Project


Potato Entrepreneurship Project (PEP), 2020 – 2023 Donor: Belgian Cooperation / ENABEL Goal  The project’s goal is to support entrepreneurship and improve the performance of stakeholders in the potato value chain of the Mamou region of the Republic of Guinea. … Read More

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kingabwa Rice Intensification Project I


Kingabwa Rice Intensification Project (2011-2014) Donors: USAID, Common Fund for Commodities, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bralima Foundation Partners: Winrock (lead), BATIDE, Kingabwa Farmers Association and Cooperative Goal The Kingabwa Rice Intensification Project (PIRK) project, a three year project designed to … Read More

Ethiopia, Grain Sourcing for Poultry Feed


Ethiopia: Grain Sourcing for Poultry Feed, 2019 – 2021 Donor: International Finance Corporation (IFC) Goal To design and implement an input sourcing business model for a private animal feed manufacturing company that would be replicable to other companies. What we … Read More

Senegal, Potato Value Chain Development in West Africa


Potato Value Chain Development in West Africa (2007-2013)   Donor: Common Fund for Commodities   Goal The main objective is to assist in the development of a potato value chain that is more competitive in West Africa in order to … Read More

Guinea, Kindia Biodiversity Activity


Supporting Forest Buffer Communities in Kindia Region of Guinea (Kindia Biodiversity Activity), 2019-2020 Donor: USAID through West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change (WA BiCC) Goal The goal of this project is to improve the livelihoods of forest buffer communities in … Read More

Uganda, East African Sorghum Value Chain Development


East African Sorghum Value Chain Development, 2009-2014 Donors: Uganda Breweries Ltd., Diageo, Common Fund for Commodities Goal The objective of the project is to implement a public-private-partnership project to develop a stable and high-quality sorghum supply chain to increase incomes … Read More

Rwanda, Uhira Wunguke


Uhira Wunguke (Irrigate to Win), 2018 – 2022   Donor: Achmea Foundation Goal The project’s goal is to pilot sustainable financing solutions within 19 cooperatives over 3 years for the introduction of water efficient irrigation technologies in Eastern Rwanda. The … Read More

Mali, Improving Smallholder Farmers’ Incomes and Food Security through Enhancing Productivity and Market Access


Mali: Improving smallholder farmers’ incomes and food security through enhancing productivity and market access, 2018 – 2021 Donors: Alliance For Green Revolution (AGRA) Partners: SOPROSA, AMEDD, AMASSA, IER, Local government SAPROSA, AGRIPLUS, Soprosek and, Sodiaf Goal To increase income, food … Read More

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