Mali, Mali Sugu Yiriwa


Feed the Future Mali Sugu Yiriwa, 2021-2022   Donor: CNFA Mali Goal The goal of this short-term contract is to provide capacity building to market actors in business management skills, plan development and analysis, and financial mediation to help market … Read More

Rwanda, Increasing Capacity of Smallholder farmers in Rulindo


Increasing Capacity of Smallholder farmers in Rulindo to supply fresh agricultural products to markets Rulindo and in Kigali, 2021-2022  Donor: FAO Goal The aim of the project is to contribute to the improvement of livelihoods in small cities and towns … Read More

Performance of POs in Sine-Saloum for Employment and Economic Emergence (PERSEE)


Performance of Producers Organization in Sine-Saloum for Employment and Economic Emergence (PERSEE), Enabel, 2021-2024 Donors: EU, Enabel Partners: ECLOSIO Goal To guarantee a regular supply, in sufficient quantity and quality of groundnuts, millet, maize and milk, to agro-industries in the … Read More

Promote the Use of Legume Supply in Ethiopia (PULSE)


Promote the Use of Legume Supply in Ethiopia (PULSE), 2021 – 2024 Donor: Achmea Foundation Goal  The overall goal of the project is to improve the resilience and livelihoods of the rural population in Ethiopia by developing sustainable, market-oriented pulse … Read More

Feed the Future Nigeria Agricultural Extension & Advisory Services


Feed the Future Nigeria Agricultural Extension & Advisory Services, 2020-2025 Partner: Winrock International Goal Build the capacity of private extension service providers to deliver extension and advisory services to value chain stakeholders Strengthen linkages between agricultural research institutions, agro-allied companies, … Read More

Rwanda, Uhira Wunguke


Uhira Wunguke (Irrigate to Win), 2018 – 2022   Donor: Achmea Foundation Goal The project’s goal is to pilot sustainable financing solutions within 19 cooperatives over 3 years for the introduction of water efficient irrigation technologies in Eastern Rwanda. The … Read More

Mali, Improving Smallholder Farmers’ Incomes and Food Security through Enhancing Productivity and Market Access


Mali: Improving smallholder farmers’ incomes and food security through enhancing productivity and market access, 2018 – 2021 Donors: Alliance For Green Revolution (AGRA) Partners: SOPROSA, AMEDD, AMASSA, IER, Local government SAPROSA, AGRIPLUS, Soprosek and, Sodiaf Goal To increase income, food … Read More

Mali, Tropical Legumes Project II


Tropical Legumes Project II, 2015 – 2019   Donor: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)   Goal This project aims to support cooperatives to produce certified groundnut seed through the implementation of a participatory selection program of … Read More