The Mansa Dioula Mousso Activity


The Mansa Dioula Mousso Activity, Siguiri Prefecture, Guinea, 2024-2027 Funder: USAID Partners: Local NGO AGUISSA Goal Contribute to food security in Siguiri prefecture by strengthening the capacity of women in the marketing of agricultural products. Transform Dioula Mousso from resellers of products … Read More

Productive Use of Renewable Energy In Agricultural Value Chains (PURE.Ag)


Productive Use of Renewable Energy In Agricultural Value Chains (PURE.Ag), 2023-2024   Donor: GIZ/EnDev via Mercy Corps Goal The objective of PURE.Ag is to support the development and testing of sustainable business models that enable smallholder farmers to enhance their … Read More



PROFARM: Promoting an integrated farming system around sunflower, maize and vegetables to stimulate resilient agriculture and nutrition security for smallholder farmers in Rwanda, 2023-2027 Donor: European Commission Partner: Rural Development Initiative Goal The overall objective is to ensure sufficient, sustainable … Read More

Rainy Season Onions (Basalle Setto)


Introduction of rainy season onions in the Fouta Djallon region of Guinea (“Basalle Setto”), 2023-2026 Donors: Achmea Foundation Goal Impact goal: to increase the agricultural income of producers (men and women) and to improve the livelihoods of households. What we … Read More

Rwanda, Increasing Capacity of Smallholder farmers in Rulindo


Increasing Capacity of Smallholder farmers in Rulindo to supply fresh agricultural products to markets Rulindo and in Kigali, 2021-2022  Donor: FAO Goal The aim of the project is to contribute to the improvement of livelihoods in small cities and towns … Read More

Rwanda, Growing with Change


Growing with Change: Promoting green solutions for market-led agriculture under changing climatic conditions in Eastern Province of Rwanda, 2020-2021 Donor: Rwanda Green Fund (FONERWA) Partners: Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB), … Read More

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kingabwa Rice Intensification Project I


Kingabwa Rice Intensification Project (2011-2014) Donors: USAID, Common Fund for Commodities, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bralima Foundation Partners: Winrock (lead), BATIDE, Kingabwa Farmers Association and Cooperative Goal The Kingabwa Rice Intensification Project (PIRK) project, a three year project designed to … Read More

Guinea, Kindia Biodiversity Activity


Supporting Forest Buffer Communities in Kindia Region of Guinea (Kindia Biodiversity Activity), 2019-2020 Donor: USAID through West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change (WA BiCC) Goal The goal of this project is to improve the livelihoods of forest buffer communities in … Read More

Rwanda, Uhira Wunguke


Uhira Wunguke (Irrigate to Win), 2018 – 2022   Donor: Achmea Foundation Goal The project’s goal is to pilot sustainable financing solutions within 19 cooperatives over 3 years for the introduction of water efficient irrigation technologies in Eastern Rwanda. The … Read More

Mali, Generating Revenue through Agricultural Inventory credit (GRAIN)


Generating Revenue through Agricultural Inventory credit (GRAIN), 2016-2019 Donor: Achmea Foundation Goal The “Generating Revenue through Agricultural Inventory Credit”, or GRAIN project, had two primary objectives, namely: Improve household income through the inventory credit or warrantage system Reduce malnutrition through … Read More

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