
PROFARM: Promoting an integrated farming system around sunflower, maize and vegetables to stimulate resilient agriculture and nutrition security for smallholder farmers in Rwanda, 2023-2027 Donor: European Commission Partner: Rural Development Initiative Goal The overall objective is to ensure sufficient, sustainable … Read More

Guinea, Consultancy for Cold Storage Development


Consultancy for developing a cold storage platform operating and governance model, 2022 Donor : Enabel with funding from the Belgian Cooperation Goal This study carried out by EUCORD aims to develop an operating and governance model for the packaging, storage … Read More

Mobile Learning Platform in Ethiopia


Implementation of a Mobile Learning Platform for Malt Barley Farmers in Ethiopia, 2022 – 2024 Donor: IFC Partners: IFC / Noventiq Goal  EUCORD is piloting a new mobile learning platform called Agri ChatBot in partnership with IFC and Noventiq. The … Read More

Sunflower (Ibihwagari) Project


Sunflower (Ibihwagari) Project, Rwanda, 2022-2025 Donor: Achmea Foundation Goal  The project’s goal is to improve the resilience and livelihood of smallholder sunflower farmers in Rwanda by increasing crop productivity and farmers’ access to markets and finances. What we do In cooperating … Read More

Promote the Use of Legume Supply in Ethiopia (PULSE)


Promote the Use of Legume Supply in Ethiopia (PULSE), 2021 – 2024 Donor: Achmea Foundation Goal  The overall goal of the project is to improve the resilience and livelihoods of the rural population in Ethiopia by developing sustainable, market-oriented pulse … Read More

Guinea, Potato Market Study


Potato Market Study, Nov 2020 – Feb 2021 (4 months) Donor: Belgian cooperation / Enabel Goal  The aim of the study is to increase the market share of the Guinean table potato in the national markets of Guinea and the … Read More

Rwanda, Growing with Change


Growing with Change: Promoting green solutions for market-led agriculture under changing climatic conditions in Eastern Province of Rwanda, 2020-2021 Donor: Rwanda Green Fund (FONERWA) Partners: Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB), … Read More

Ethiopia, Barley Organization of Supply and Training (BOOST)


Barley Organization Of Supply and Training (BOOST), 2023 – 2027 Donor: International Finance Corporation (IFC) Partners: Soufflet Malt Ethiopia HEINEKEN Breweries Ethiopia Agricultural Transformation Agency Oromia Seed Enterprise, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research Micro Finance Institutions Oromia Agriculture Research Institute … Read More

Feed the Future Nigeria Agricultural Extension & Advisory Services


Feed the Future Nigeria Agricultural Extension & Advisory Services, 2020-2025 Partner: Winrock International Goal Build the capacity of private extension service providers to deliver extension and advisory services to value chain stakeholders Strengthen linkages between agricultural research institutions, agro-allied companies, … Read More

Potato Entrepreneurship Project


Potato Entrepreneurship Project (PEP), 2020 – 2023 Donor: Belgian Cooperation / ENABEL Goal  The project’s goal is to support entrepreneurship and improve the performance of stakeholders in the potato value chain of the Mamou region of the Republic of Guinea. … Read More

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